The 29th Thrangu Mani Dhungdrup Puja
(Recitation of 100 million Mani Mantras of Avalokiteshvara) April 11 to 20, 2023 [LIVE ON YOUTUBE, on April 11,15,16 and 20]
The Mani Dhungdrup Puja is held every year with the auspicious blessings of V.V. Khenchen ‘Thrangu Rinpoche at SMD School in Tinchuli, Boudha. All Rinpoche’s monks and nuns perform the puja and hundreds of lay devotees and monastics from other monasteries attend.
‘The puja usually goes on for ten days with chanting and recitation of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara’s Mani Mantra. The main aim of this puja is to recite 100 million Mani Mantras and dedicate the merit for the long life and good health of H.H. Dalai Lama, H.H. The 17th Gyalwang Karmapa, The V.V. Khenchen Rinpoche and all the other great Dharma masters as well as to all sentient beings for good health, long life, prosperity, happiness and world peace.
Particularly, this year, we will dedicate the merit to the subsiding of the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic, war and hunger.
On the last day of the puja, Venerable Tulku Damcho Rinpoche will give Avalokiteshvara’s empowerment.