Venerable Choje Lama Wangchuk’s Japan Visit.

On Saturday, 13th of April 2024, the Venerable Choje Lama visited Kuonji-temple, the Grand Head temple of Nichiren Buddhism and had a meeting with the Venerable Tengen Hamashima, the Manager of Kuonji-temple, a former president of Minobusan University, and Prof. Kaie Mochizuki, the president of Minobusan University. On Sunday, 14 April, the Venerable Choje Lama […]
The consecration of Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche’s reliquary stupa has been postponed, But the first anniversary of Rinpoche’s parinirvana will be observed with various Pujas.

Although the consecration of Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche’s reliquary stupa has been postponed, the first anniversary of Rinpoche’s parinirvana will be observed with a Bhurkumkuta Puja from May 9–15, Dorje Drolo Puja from May 16–22 and Marpa Guru Yoga puja in Namo Buddha on 23, 2024. All of Rinpoche’s students are encouraged to attend.
The 31st Annual Namo Buddha Seminar Successfully Concludes

The five-day-long annual Namo Buddha Seminar, which began on March 18, concluded successfully today on March 22, 2024. The Venerable Choje Lama Wangchuk Rinpoche gave teachings on “Gampopa’s String of Pearls”, which were translated live via Zoom. The seminar took place at the Tara shrine hall of Thrangu Tashi Choling monastery in Boudha, where it […]
The 31st Namo Buddha Seminar at Thrangu Tashi Choling Monastery, Boudha, Nepal.

Ven. Choeje Lama Wangchuk is teaching on Gampopa’s “String of Pearls” on March 18-22 in the Tara Shrineroom at the Boudha monastery where Thrangu Rinpoche taught in the first seminar in the winter of 1986-1987. The seminars were later held at SMD School Shrine Hall and the last in Namo Buddha monastery due to lack […]
The week-long Minling Vajrasattva puja before the holy relics of Kyabje Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche completes. The Rinpoches and sanghas welcomed the holy relics.

Today (November 13) the Venerable Lodro Nyima Rinpoche led the tulkus, khenpos, lamas, monastics, and lay devotees of Thrangu Monastery to complete the week-long Minling Vajrasattva puja before the holy relics of Kyabje Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche at the main shrine hall of Thrangu Tashi Yangtse Monastery, Namo Buddha. The sand mandala was destroyed, the aspiration […]
Venerable Lodro Nyima Rinpoche gave a teaching to the entire Thrangu Sangha and also made supplications for the Venerable Choje Lama

Today (November 10) the Venerable Lodro Nyima Rinpoche led the tulkus, khenpos, monastics, and lay devotees of Thrangu Monastery to perform the fourth day of the Minling Vajrasattva puja before the holy relics of Kyabje Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche at the main shrine hall of Thrangu Tashi Yangtse Monastery, Namo Buddha. At 4.30pm, the Venerable Choje […]
The bone and ash relics were collected and placed into vases filled with the seven kinds of precious substances.

Today (November 7) at 4.30am, the Venerable Kyabje Lodro Nyima Rinpoche, the Venerable Choje Lama, the Venerable Tulku Damcho, Drupon lamas, khenpos, lamas, Rinpoche’s two attendants conducted the purification ritual before Kyabje Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche’s cremation stupa, which has been left undisturbed for the past three days. After the ritual, the four doors of the […]
Thrangu family gave H.H. the Sakya Trizin and Her Eminence a warm send off. The former king and prince of Nepal paid respect.

Today (November 6) at 8am, the Venerable Choje Lama and the Thrangu Sangha gave His Holiness the 43rd Sakya Trizin Gyana Vajra Rinpoche, Her Eminence Dagmo Sonam Palkyi, and their monastics a warm send off as they departed from Thrangu Tashi Yangtse Monastery, Namo Buddha. At 8.30am, the former king and prince of Nepal visited […]
The Cremation of Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche

On November 4, 2023, one of the four holiest days in the Buddhist calendar—the anniversary of the Buddha, flanked by Brahma and Indra, descending a staircase made of precious vaidurya from the Heaven of the Thirty-Three to the town of Sankissa in India—the precious remains of our root guru Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche were cremated in […]
His Eminence Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche, His Eminence Jangtse Choje Gosok Rinpoche and His Holiness the 43rd Sakya Trizin Gyana Vajra Rinpoche and arrived at the monastery to participate in the cremation of Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche

Today (Nov 3) according to the advice of His Holiness the Karmapa, the entire Thrangu Sangha requested the leaders of the Tibetan Buddhist lineages to participate in the cremation ceremony of Kyabje Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche at Thrangu Tashi Yangtse Monastery, Namo Buddha. Today at 10am, His Eminence Jangtse Choje Gosok Rinpoche arrived and paid respects […]